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Bundesamt für Naturschutz

GEO BON Global Conference

Monitoring Biodiversity for Action
Date, time
10.10.2023 (Tue) 09:00 
13.10.2023 (Fri) 16:00 
Montreal (Canada)
GEO BON, Convention on Biological Diversity & Partners
Target group
Researchers, policy-makers, indigenous peoples and local communities, conservation organizations, businesses and others in the financial sector
Event language

The Global Conference on Biodiversity and Monitoring is organized by GEO BON and partners between 10-13 October 2023 in Montreal. The focus of the event is the challenge of ‘Monitoring Biodiversity for Action’ and the development of best practices and technologies for biodiversity monitoring and observations. The conference allows to share and exchange scientific and traditional knowledge related to biodiversity changes, at many levels: from genes to ecosystems; the associated contributions to people, across all sectors of society; and its conservation, sustainable use and shared benefits.

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