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Bundesamt für Naturschutz

Principal Expert Committee

The Principal Expert Committee defines the technical tasks of the Monitoring Centre and sets the priorities for implementation. Fundamental specific issues are discussed and decided upon together and recommendations are formulated. Find out about the activities of the Principal Expert Committee.


The Principal Expert Committee combines the broad professional expertise of the biodiversity monitoring community. The Committee discusses and decides on critical issues related to the strategic direction of the Monitoring Centre and nationwide biodiversity monitoring.

Goals and tasks

These issues include:

  • Advancing the nationwide biodiversity monitoring
  • Establishing expert committees and setting themes
  • Defining thematic focus for the "Application and Research in Dialogue" forums
  • Prioritising the professional work of the Monitoring Centre

Current activities and topics

  • Establishment of expert committees to delve deeper into specific issues:
    • "Monitoring of soil biodiversity and its functions"
    • "Improvement of data availability for influencing factors"
    • "Data management" (in planning)
  • Adoption of a preliminary concept and roadmap for the development of a comprehensive national biodiversity monitoring plan
  • Adoption of a position paper on the Information and Networking Platform
  • Decision to undertake pilot projects for co-financing
  • Specialist event to determine priority goals for national biodiversity monitoring
  • Collaboration with regional expert authorities to improve data exchange
  • Topics for the "Application and Research in Dialogue" forum of the Monitoring Centre
  • National biodiversity monitoring objectives adopted
  • Collaboration in shaping the overall concept for nationwide biodiversity monitoring


In the Principal Expert Committee, experts from the following institutions can be involved: 

  • Federal authorities working in the areas of the ministries BMUV, BMEL, BMBF, BMF, BMVg, and BMDV
  • Specialist institutions or project sponsors commissioned by federal ministries
  • Research institutions
  • State authorities
  • Specialist associations (voluntary sector)

Members List

Current overview of the members of the Principal Expert Committee:

The links lead to the profiles of the individuals in their respective institutions, if available.

Name Institution 
Federal authorities  
Dr. Pia Bartels Federal Highway Research Institute (bast)
Dr. Michael Gerisch German Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG)
Dr. Britta Knefelkamp Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)
Ester Koch

Federal Office of Infrastructure, Environmental Protection and Services of the German Armed Forces (BAIUDBw)

Dr. Martin Ludwig National Monitoring Centre for Biodiversity (NMZB)
Dr. Silvia Pieper Federal Environment Agency (UBA)
Simone Richter Federal Environment Agency (UBA)
Christine Schleupner Institute for Federal Real Estate
Sabine Stein Institute for Federal Real Estate
Dr. Lina Weiß National Monitoring Centre for Biodiversity (NMZB)
Dr. Wiebke Züghart Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)
Dr. Johanna Wider Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE)
State authorities  
Jenny Behm Baden-Württemberg State Institute for the Environment, Survey and Nature Conservation (LUBW)
PD Dr. Heike Culmsee Mecklenburg-Vorpommern State Agency for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Geology (LUNG MV)
Dr. Juliane Rühl State Agency for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection of North Rhine-Westphalia (LANUV)
Dr. Detlef Tolke State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology Saxony (LfULG)
Education and research  
Prof. Dr. Christian Ammer University of Göttingen
Prof. Dr. Andreas Bolte Thünen-Institute of Forest Ecosystems
Prof. Dr. Helge Bruelheide Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg 
Prof. Dr. Jens Dauber Institute of Biodiversity
Dr. Barbara Ebert Managing Director GFBio - Society for Biological Data e.V.
Dr. Gerd Kraus Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries
Dr. Martin Musche Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research Halle (UFZ)
Eckhard Roll German Centre for Rail Traffic Research (DZSF)
Specialist associations  
Birgit Beckers Federation of Biological Stations North Rhine-Westphalia
Dr. Tobias Erik Reiners Federation of German Avifaunists (DDA)
Dr. Meike Teschke German Research Foundation (DFG)
Research museums  
Prof. Dr. Dr. Volker Mosbrugger Senckenberg Nature Research Society 
Prof. Dr. Christoph Scherber Centre for Biodiversity Monitoring and Conservation Science (zbm)
Project managment agencies  
Rainer Schliep VDI/VDE Innovation + Technology GmbH

Contact at Monitoring Centre

Martin Ludwig
Contact Principal Expert Committee
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