Background and goals
The need for a web-based information and networking portal on biodiversity monitoring was already formulated in the general concept for the monitoring centre. As a central element the portal will support the activities and goals of the monitoring centre and the biodiversity monitoring community in the future.
The portal is intended to bring together existing biodiversity-relevant data and specialist information scattered across various institutions, as well as other platforms and web services. The information and networking portal will report on ongoing and planned monitoring programmes. In order to improve the quality and availability of data, standards, definitions and interfaces must be developed further and harmonised in cooperation with those involved in monitoring. The portal will serve as a supporting instrument for this process. We also plan to make tools for survey and analysis methods available here. With the help of the portal, current data-based information on the state and development of biodiversity should be available more quickly.
All of this contributes to identifying and closing gaps in monitoring and deriving more effective measures for the protection of biodiversity.
Target group
The information and networking portal will be aimed equally at politicians and authorities, professional societies, associations and voluntary organisations, but also at planning offices, science and research, those active in citizen science projects and the interested public. For successful nationwide cooperation, it is important that the stakeholders can exchange their knowledge in the best possible way. Thus, existing synergy potentials can be used.
Key issues
The key issues paper on the information and networking portal provides the target and action framework for the design of the portal.
Summary of key issues
The key issues for the content of the information and networking portal are:
- Information on current monitoring activities is available on the platform, as well as specialised information such as methodological standards, mapping instructions, reports and scientific publications.
- All relevant and available (meta-)data and information on nationwide biodiversity monitoring can be found and accessed via the platform.
- Biodiversity and monitoring data can be filtered and retrieved via various applications and are illustrated in the form of maps and graphics.
- Information on selected topics of biodiversity monitoring is provided in a form suitable for the target group, for example in the form of articles, videos and infographics.
- The portal serves the exchange between the different stakeholders in biodiversity monitoring.
- Needs-based tools and formats are provided to support those involved in biodiversity monitoring.

Time table
In the first phase, we will develop the concept for the content of the information and networking portal. The requirements for the portal and use cases will be determined in 2024 through a comprehensive survey of biodiversity monitoring stakeholders on the needs and content of an information and networking portal. Since September 2023, the company con terra has been supporting the monitoring centre for the conception phase.
The planned milestones for the first phase (2023–2024) are as follows:
Key factors influencing the success of the portal are described after a trend and environmental analysis. This includes evaluating opportunities, synergies, goal conflicts, challenges, and risks. The initial unique selling points of the portal become apparent.
Stakeholders and users are surveyed regarding their needs and the value added by the portal. Initial content priorities are established.
Specific requirements are developed based on use cases.
Es wird eine klare Intention inklusive Kernbotschaften für das Portal definiert. Zudem werden die Vision, Mission, Kern- und Teilziele sowie Alleinstellungsmerkmale und Erfolgsfaktoren formuliert.
The content concept for the portal is elaborated, including recommendations for core functionalities, system architecture, and a timeline and capacity plan for implementing the basic version of the portal.
In the coming phases, we plan to successively implement and expand the concept. The committees of the monitoring centre and various stakeholders from the monitoring community will be closely involved in the development. It is planned to initially set up a digital basic system, which will be expanded step by step with functions and modules. Thus, the design of the portal is a gradual process. If certain needs or external factors change decisively, the portal can be adapted accordingly.
Current status of portal development
Below you will find more information on the current state of content planning for the Information and Networking Portal. The results of the trend and environment analysis, the needs assessment and the development of specific use cases to date form the basis for the further development of the portal and are summarised here.
Preliminary results
Summary of the preliminary results from the requirement analysis:
In addition to analysing the stakeholders and potential user groups, the portal's relevant subject areas were identified and described. These include politics, legal and regulatory framework conditions, information technology, cooperation options, science and society.
In addition, selected existing websites relevant to the Monitoring Centre's portal were analysed with regard to possible interfaces, functionalities and necessary differentiations from other portals, for example.
Essential questions for the further portal conception were derived in each case and will be taken up in the further process. Some fundamental questions are raised repeatedly, for instance:
- What niche does the portal occupy?
- How will it be used? How will it be different from existing initiatives?
- Should it be everything? Information AND data AND networking portal?
More than 800 people from the biodiversity monitoring community took part in the Monitoring Centre's survey on portal development, conducted between February and March 2024. Of these, 523 completed the full questionnaire.
Our aim is to create a portal that is user-friendly and provides relevant services in a reliable and sustainable way. The primary objective of this survey was to gather the general preferences and initial requirements of potential users for the content of a national biodiversity monitoring portal.
The respondents represent a wide range of professionals and interested parties from associations, academia, government, business and the general public. This diversity is reflected in the wide range of needs expressed, providing us with valuable insights into the diverse requirements of future users. First results are shown in the figures below. The interim report will provide more detailed results.
In parallel to the survey, requirement assessment workshops and interviews were conducted to further define and refine the use cases. Through this process, over 200 user stories and best practice suggestions have already been collected. A wide range of needs were identified, which can be grouped into the following overarching categories:
- Provide access to data and filters
- Providing an overview of monitoring programmes
- Improve data quality and provide metadata
- Highlight collaborators and promote networking among stakeholders
- Evaluate data quality and usability
- Provide curated materials and information
- Develop APIs and standards
- Link existing structures
- Enable data contributions while maintaining data sovereignty
The following key messages emerged from the needs analysis for the further content development of the information and networking portal:
- The portal should serve as a central hub for biodiversity monitoring by the monitoring community.
- The portal should provide direction, highlighting the "biodiversity data and expert information scattered across different institutions".
- The requirements and assumptions from the initial concept of the Monitoring Centre are validated by the needs assessment.
- In addition to access to curated data and knowledge via the portal, which was mentioned by almost all participants, a (complementary) offer of active networking opportunities was mentioned less frequently.
- There is a high demand for information on monitoring activities and their stakeholders, as well as for consolidated findings, in particular from nationwide monitoring programmes.
- In a first basic version, consolidated information on existing data (where it is located, how to access it) is more important than direct access to raw data.
- A powerful search and filter facility is essential.
- Users expect scientific content on biodiversity status, trends and actions.
- High data quality and timeliness are critical.
- International information relevant to biodiversity monitoring in Germany should be integrated.
- National and international cooperation is important, with strategic partnerships playing a key role.
- Analytical tools are expected in the portal.
- A step-by-step development of the portal is recommended, starting with a lean basic system that already provides significant added value.
- From a technical point of view, the portal needs to enable exchange with other stakeholders and access to data and information. Standards and open interfaces should be used to achieve this.
The main findings from the development of use cases for the further design of the information and networking portal are as follows
- Use Cases and User Stories: 130 use cases were developed based on user stories gathered from the needs assessment within the monitoring community and grouped into 13 functional areas (API, Operation, Data Entry, Expert Introduction, Main Application, Content Editing, Educational and Informational Materials, Monitoring Activities, User Community, User Management, (Raw) Data, Search/Information and Events).
- Prioritisation: The use cases are divided into three priority levels: core version, future extensions and those outside the current focus.
- Prioritisation criteria: Important criteria for prioritising use cases include benefit for the user, alignment with the Centre's objectives, representativeness, complexity, frequency of user requirements mentioned during the analysis, and cost of implementation.
- Core functions of the basic version: The key functions for the first version of the portal are the main application (interface, landing page, navigation) and the search/information functions.
- Key content themes: Detailed, filterable overviews of monitoring programmes, networking within the monitoring community and publication of results are the key themes for the initial content of the portal.
- Modular architecture: The functional areas mentioned in point 1 will be integrated into modules to allow a step-by-step expansion of the portal.
- Interface designs: High fidelity mockups (interface designs) have been created for key pages such as the home page, search page, detail page and a data story.
- Non-functional requirements: Key non-functional requirements such as intuitive user navigation, clear interfaces, portal performance and accessibility have been outlined in initial designs.
- System architecture defined: The first draft of the system architecture includes clearly defined user groups, a breakdown of system components and external systems.
- External integration: Interfaces for import and export with external systems require technical and legal clarification, which will be further defined as the project progresses.

Project Support Working Group
A Project Support Working Group has been established to support the development of the Portal. This group contributes its expertise to the portal development process and advises the Monitoring Centre. It provides methodological recommendations, highlights relevant constraints and gives feedback on structural and strategic aspects. In addition, the group provides expert advice on the technical direction and framework.
Key messages for the development of the basic system:
- The portal's role as providing direction and central hub is top priority.
- Focus on up to date, relevant content and best practice. Key topics: background information, overview of monitoring programmes and stakeholders.
- Quickly develop the basis system with the most essential features and content. Implement first, optimise later - avoid lengthy analysis phases and feedback loops.
- Recommendation: Stop collecting more requirements and focus on the first core issues.
- Develop (internal) prototypes for specific aspects.
Systematically keep content up to date and network to ensure regular updates and inclusion of current issues.
Communicate clearly and early on the content, goals, roadmap and value of the portal - both internally (within BfN, committees) and externally (monitoring community).
- Clear definition of responsibilities: Head office of the Monitoring Centre, BfN, external service providers.
- Establish editorial workflows.
- A dedicated, small portal team with defined roles and decision-making processes will minimise editorial complexity and enable rapid response to changes.
- Start testing immediately (technical test environment, ideally in-house).
- Document decision processes: Create an Architectural Decision Record (ADR) to document what was decided, when and how (path decision documentation).
From 400 ideas to the top 20: An overview of the key user story clusters
ID | Short name | Informationen | Data | Networking | Implementation notes |
C1 | Filterable overview of thematically organised information | 76 | |||
C2 | Targeted information: receive tailored and curated information | 72 | |||
C3 | Find and review data | 56 | |||
C4 | Receive information on networking in the form of summaries | 48 | |||
C5 | Assess data usability | 47 | |||
C6 | Provide and manage data in the portal | 39 | |||
C7 | Build methodological knowledge, understand standards | 30 | |||
C8 | Access, reuse, and manage data | 27 | |||
C9 | Usability / User guidance / Accessibility / Language | 27 | |||
C10 | Convey knowledge / Respond to queries / Provide advice (knowledge transfer) | 27 | |||
C11 | Data maintenance / Data integrity / Data infrastructure / Data protection | 26 | |||
C12 | Implementation and operation | 26 | |||
C13 | Access to data/connect existing data structures | 22 | |||
C14 | Ensure data quality and currency | 20 | |||
C15 | Increase visibility of own monitoring activities | 12 | |||
C16 | Use exchange and participation tools | 9 | |||
C17 | Derive and evaluate measures | 9 | |||
C18 | Find help and support | 8 | |||
C19 | Analyse data on the portal | 6 | |||
C20 | Change tracking / Reminder function | 5 |
First preliminary results of the survey: Well-balanced interest of desired subject areas for the portal
Desired subject areas of the portal | Number |
Status and trends | 601 |
Species/species groups | 588 |
Ecosystems and habitats | 562 |
Measures to conserve biodiversity | 528 |
Causes of biodiversity change | 504 |
Genetic diversity | 304 |
Further subjects | 128 |
This overview shows which tasks are categorised as particularly important for the portal and should generate added value for the monitoring community. The function of the portal as a central interface and approaches for the general improvement of data quality are prioritised by the community. In addition, functions such as enabling analyses, providing an overview of methods, tailored editorial content and making data upload available are considered important.
Clear hierarchy of added value: centralised interface & data quality particularly important
Central interface | Data quality | Analyses | Overview of methods | Tailored editorial content | Data upload | |
Importance | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number |
very important | 376 | 361 | 228 | 147 | 120 | 123 |
important | 99 | 125 | 212 | 240 | 189 | 154 |
neutral | 29 | 20 | 49 | 96 | 152 | 154 |
not important | 5 | 5 | 15 | 17 | 35 | 45 |
very unimportant | 3 | 3 | 5 | 4 | 7 | 24 |
This overview shows which tasks are categorised as particularly important for the portal and should generate added value for the monitoring community. The function of the portal as a central interface and approaches for the general improvement of data quality are prioritised by the community.
Contact persons, training & events stand out
Networking area | Number |
Contact persons | 267 |
training courses | 227 |
Events | 214 |
Participation forums | 132 |
Discussion forums | 106 |
Job exchanges | 78 |
Mapping exchanges | 75 |
Others | 16 |
This overview provides initial insights into where the added value of the portal is seen in the area of networking: in particular, there is a desire for centralised, up-to-date and nationwide information on contact persons, training courses and events. In 4th and 5th place are opportunities for participation and discussion forums. Job exchanges and mapping exchanges were less popular
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